Advent Speed Bumps

One of my least favorite things is a speed bump. We see them called different things. Speed bump, speed hump, speed table. I even saw speed “lump” in Mobile, Alabama. The speed bump is a type of traffic calming device that has been in existence since the 1950s and is placed on a roadway in order to slow the traffic. Have you ever missed the sign for a speed bump and your vehicle goes flying over the bump, everything in the car including yourself are quite jostled? You wonder, what just happened? I wonder if you ever feel that way going through the season of Advent. You hurry, hurry, hurry right through the season and bump right into Christmas. You have last minute gifts to get, food to buy, dinners and desserts to make. Some prepare to travel far distances. The season of Advent becomes the season of Hurry. Hurry does not make us a very calm people. Hurry will tire us out. Before you know it, you will go over that speed bump without even knowing what hit you. As we coast throu...