A Change in the Preposition

We have all been there. In the depths of the valley, that is. My own valleys include divorce, abuse, sickness and subsequent death of close friends and family, financial instability, and traumatic accidents that change the course of events. If you are human, you have experienced the deep dark valley. I can remember screaming at God, asking “Why are you doing this to me?” I am thankful for a God that allows me to question, have tantrums, and cry out in anger. My God is gracious and forgives me when I place the blame in the wrong direction. The Bible is full of stories of other humans who have cried out in anguish: Job in the depths of despair after losing his family and possessions, David in the Psalms of written confession, the Israelites in the wilderness crying out for food and water, Jesus’ disciples crying out to him amid the storm. Even our Lord and Savior cried out to his Father from the cross, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me,” repeating the words of the psalmist (Psa...